
Bit of a different one today, I thought I would do a blog-esc type post.

I have actually been coding outside of work today, but for a different reason.

I partook in my second ever Hackathon!

Let's discuss the first one I partook in first!

My first hackthon was actually last year, with SAS. We spent the day digging through a dataset to find certain results. It was based upon the population in Leicester and how the citizens of Leicester would benefit from E-Scooters, like the new Boris Bikes that were introduced

We joined as a group of three people, and we were representing our University. We came third!

So... About today...

We were representing our employers Futureproof. We were a group of six asigned with various different tasks.

  • Modeling data with the document model;
  • Applying the Aggregation Framework;
  • Creating powerful server side operations with Triggers, Realm and GraphQL;
  • Use of powerful Atlas Search capabilities to enable autocomplete, fuzzy search, score and highlighting.
  • This wasn't easy, considering none of our team had ever touched MongoDB Compass. Personally, I think we gave it a good go! We will see tomorrow how we rank with other groups

    I am not sure how many we are competing against, or their skill levels in this field. We will see. Hopefully, at the minimum, we can score some MongoDB Swag. We were promised it but we will see if AWS (The sponsor for this event) want to support that claim...

    UPDATE: 24/03/2022


    Completely humbled to be runners up alongside Boots and Sky. Our team was truly shocked when we all found out the news.

    Thank you to AWS for hosting this Hackathon!